Friday, May 25, 2012


Catching fish can be an astonishing hobby. Many anglers will deal with fly fishing as an angling method. Usually they will catch fish with an artificial fly. If you are still a beginner, you can join into a community and get assisted to do fishing for the first time. In addition, you will learn various techniques or methods to catch fish rightfully. Therefore, when you are willing to be a professional one there is a need of discipline, practice, and hard work.

The first key to be a successful angler is to have a great discipline. There can be time when you get bored to do something including fishing. Sometimes, you will just easily give up when your bait is not hit by fish. When you have difficulties in using a fly rod rightfully, you may end up by leaving it as it is. In the end, you lose your motivation and discipline when you cannot deal with difficulties or challenges you find in fishing activity.

The second key is to have a lot of practice. Learning theories about fishing from the reference book can be a wise option. Yet, there is still a need to plunge yourself into fishing activity. By doing a lot of practice, you may make several mistakes. By that, you will learn on how to get the right one and will not repeat the same mistake. You can vary your practice by using a different fly reel, by practicing bamboo fly fishing, or trying cast fly fishing.

The third key is to be a hard worker. You can test your fishing skills by joining into a competition. Sometimes, you need to measure how great your fishing skill is. Hence, you will always improve your skill and get used to with various angling methods or techniques. A person can be a professional by taking several steps. Shortly, everyone has a chance to be a professional angler.

Friday, May 18, 2012

How to ensure a great start to the new blog

reputation, protection from competitors - it provides much more competent site promotion . With our help you can easily monitor and rank the best of the negative and positive feedback from site visitors.

The fact that you are an experienced and accomplished blogger is no guarantee that your new project will make a splash. In general, the launch of the second and subsequent occupation of blogs difficult and contains a lot of nuances, there are some difficulties such as: time costs, attracting an audience from scratch and promotion etc. According to my observations of minor projects and not very well-known bloggers rarely become hugely popular, but if you start a new blog is well prepared, everything can be different! Let's imagine that could contribute to such a successful start.

Pre-prepared content

The expression «Content is King» never lose relevance. What, would you come up with tricks, the content (especially in the emerging blog) is critical. Here, I would give two pieces of advice - good start for the need not only good content, and very good content. Such a reader would immediately share them with your friends. The second suggestion - to immediately identify the level of the site, very good content needed to prepare a sufficiently large number. In general, the time spent on content can be quite solid, and if it is combined with the initial advance, and his other projects - there is a risk something in time.Therefore, preparation of content before you start a blog - a very important point, which will greatly facilitate the process started.

Viral campaign on Twitter

Social networks are quite popular, especially twitter can be a good source of traffic and new readers.Prepare for an advertising campaign on Twitter - think through the message texts, arrange with your friends and acquaintances that they are actively retweet them, prepare a budget for the purchase of tweets / retweets. You can also think of some competition for followers, for example to play ipod nano or a cash prize.

Encourage the promotion of social networks

When you have good content to promote it in social networks is relatively easy. Sometimes it is enough to ask readers polaykayt, Share or add a new post to your bookmarks. If you make a fantasy, you can get and a good viral effect. Of course, you need to create and begin to actively develop the community and the project page on popular social networks. In general, always add the button social networks and other social widgets on your site - in my experience, "it works".

Ask your friends a link to your new blog

If you have long been blogging (or blogs), you probably have many friends of bloggers who could put on their blogs link to your new project or have a different kind of support. Same as in Twitter, you can invite new articles to read and ask them to comment.

Guest Posts

Guest posts - the springboard by which many, even quite well-known bloggers (at that time started to publish as a guest positions) were able to rise to a new level. For a young blog is generally an ideal way to progress. Where do you even take a high-quality target audience? The only thing is, of course, you will need to be a serious lead over the content - "shove" a copyright or a simple short article, or does not, or will be ineffective. Guest post should attract and interest readers of other blogs that they might want to go to you and find out who did it all written.

Advertising campaign

In the broadest sense of the word - guards, seats in the blogroll, banners and other thematic blogs (incidentally, this is also the promotion and seo). In some cases it may be justified even contextual advertising. The extent depends on your financial capabilities and usefulness. To start frisky, it makes sense to prepare a powerful promotional "kick" to the start of the project. In general, all positions, promotional tweets, articles for publication need to create a guest in advance in order to run the project you are guided through the process.

Bonuses, discounts and gifts to subscribers

There is to offer the visitor a gift or bonus, it will subscribe to the new blog is much more active. That gift can be an e-book, a set of icons, or something else - decide for yourself, most importantly that it was prepared to launch the project and had practical value. Moreover, this information can be spread only via RSS, for example, to different seo blogs, I remember, were published sets of reference for the promotion of trust, which the user can only see after you subscribe. Efficient and clever way, but better still operate openly and publish really high quality stuff - people will be pulled.

Think of the competition

The contest for the blog with a nice prize (and sometimes a symbolic prize but very interesting) - it is perfectly stimulate the growth of the project. If you budget allows, spend a good prize (eg, macbook) or a substantial prize money, and you will see how the blogosphere will begin to appear in a natural way links to your site. You can also participate in the rules must prescribe the installation of the reverse link to a site that is now being actively used by all. Often the competition is even much more profitable than traditional advertising. In organizing the contest and encourage sponsors to stock up - affiliate programs, forums, services can often help you financially if you offer interesting conditions for them.

One of the last great starting point in the blog article 10 Ways to Launch a New Blog with a 'Bang' , which is partly used as an inspiration, advice given to arrange an event or a party in honor of the launch of the project. Rare in runet, but a very interesting way to promote a new blog - throw a party or a presentation and actively sanctify this event. While there may be a more suited for running a large Internet service rather than a blog. However, this is just an example of creative and unusual approach, which is often in such cases is triggered. And what would be ways to start a blog you do you suggest?

PS If you have a network of free time and financial resources that travel will help to open a truly memorable exciting experience that will surprise you and bring a lot of positive emotions.

Changes that must be present in the blog

When a very very long time in the main blog,  ProBlogger published an article about the 20 types of pages, of which every blogger should remember . This article has been collected the maximum number of possible pages, one way or another suitable or necessary for the blog - as a standard (About the author, Contact Us, Services) and is very unusual (Targeted Landing, Viral Sneeze, events and media). Each author, in principle, decides for himself what he will use the page - there may be 1-2 or, say, 10. A good structure of the blog implies not only the posts and categories, but also support the important pages. Let's look at some of these details.

Home (starting)

For many visitors to the site starts with "Home" page is the "face" of your blog. Theoretically, "home" page may well be some original and not similar to any other, but for 99% of blogs comes down to the banal set of posts. On this page you can place a list of popular articles, the text widget with information about the blog, some important announcements, articles and more. An excellent example is the famous blog ProBlogger:

Note how Home differs from the internal architecture and how the author uses it effectively. This format can be found often enough for the type of template wordpress magazine.

About the Author (About)

If the home page - the "face" blog, the page "About the Author" (or "About Us") - "Passport" blog. Without it, even the obvious SOM can be like a faceless splog or satellite . The presence of such a page on the contrary suggests that the reader a serious site. If, as you build a brand project, you should be made ​​to create page «About» special attention. Example - About page on Techcrunch :

Here you can write as the author, and about the site itself. If a lot of information or, for example, there are several authors, it makes sense to divide it into 2 pages.


Bloggers should be open to dialogue with readers, so that any visitor should be able to easily reach you. Of course, you can specify the contact information on the page "About me", but it is better to create a separate. There you can, for example, to place at the same time the contact form. Even if you put your data somewhere in the sidebar, it still makes sense to duplicate information on a separate page - most people (myself included) just look for the menu item "Contacts".

Site Map

In this case it is not about the site map is created and designed for search engines (XML Sitemap), but the one that "for the people." Although, in principle, any project (and blogs too), I would advise you to create original, these two maps site at all times. One project will improve indexing by search engines, and the other helps the user to quickly familiarize yourself with the contents of the site. "Site Map" can be considered as part of navigation, as it displays the complete structure. For the wordpress plugin I use Dagon Sitemap Generator design - very simple and convenient.

Privacy Policy / Terms of Use (Privacy Policy / Terms of use)

In the west, where the strictly enforced copyright laws adopted to create the page "Privacy Policy" and "Terms of use» (Privacy Policy / Terms of use). In RuNet detailed section are not mandatory, rather, they do not accepted at all. Nevertheless, no one will interfere with already done at something like that, but if you have an English project, because without them, do not do!

Optional page

In the first half of the article we have listed is probably the most necessary and basic page. Others may be created at will, but if they will not - do not worry. New projects where the author only acquainted with blogging, as a rule, these pages do not have, but no one bothers to add them over time, a little later.

Section subscription. On some blogs there is a separate page for subscribers where they are offered a variety of subscription options (RSS, E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). You can do the same, but I do not think that it is not necessary (although in some cases and useful). By the way, there is often publish information on what RSS.

Advertising. Today there is virtually no blogs are somehow not earn money. A special page with a "commercial offer" for the advertisers (characteristic of the blog, his blog audience and advertising rates) significantly increases the probability of advertising space.

Services. If you provide any services, be sure to make a separate page with a description of services, examples, price list, etc.

Archive. "Archive" can be called a special case of "site map", the only difference is that all the contents of the site located on the page with the archive in chronological order.

Friends. Many bloggers are happy to change or create a link on a separate page blogroll analog or something like folder thematic links. If you like this idea, you can do the same.

If you are a novice blogger - it's time to go create all the basic page. For advanced writers can create some additional pages. I advise you to spend an evening on the establishment, it is not so much time, but the project will look more professional. By the way, and which pages you create?

PS Image processing - the process is not complicated, if you know how to do it, you want to know how to insert photos into the template ? - Then Search on google video tutorial with detailed instructions of the process.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stylish text effect

We offer you a very simple tutorial on creating a vintage inscription to the effect of tisneniya.Takoy text looks very nice and is often used in web design. You can also download styles and icons to help you to create similar effects.Hopefully, the lesson is useful to you.

The final result:

The final result

We need:

Step 1. Create a new document

Create a new document of any size. We have a document of size 1024 * 768px.

Set the foreground color to # b0b19b and background color # 8f9078 , using a tool Radial Gradient , add a gradient fill, having a line from the center to the edge of the document.

Create a new document

On top of this layer is a layer with the texture of old paper , resize, if necessary, set the layer mode to Soft Light (Soft Light).

Go to Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise ( Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise) and set the values ​​as shown below:

Add Noise

Step 2. Add a label

Add text color # 5d5f42 . We will use the font Lobster size of 160pt.

Add a label

Click 2 times on the layer to add the following styles:

The outer shadow (Drop Shadow): Change the blending mode ( Blend Mode) to Normal ( Normal) , Transparency ( Opacity) to 100% , color to # ddd8c2 , distance ( Distance ) at 2 and size ( Size ) in a .

( Note: the more the meaning of the text, the more the set value.)

more the set value

Inner Shadow(Inner Shadow) : Change the color to # 50513b (dark shade), distance ( Distance) to a and the size (Size) in a .

Inner Shadow
This will add depth and create a text effect engraving.

Step 3. Adding Decorations

Create a new layer on top of other layers, change the blending mode ( Blend Mode) to Multiply ( Multiply). Set the color # b1a77e , using a fine brush , add a few decorations.

Double click the new layer and set it the following styles:

The outer shadow ( Drop Shadow): Change the blending mode ( Blend Mode) to normal ( Normal) , Transparency ( Opacity) to 100% , color to # ddd8c2 , distance (Distance) at 2 and size ( Size ) in a .

Adding Decorations

Inner Shadow (Inner Shadow): Change the color to # 635b3a (darker shade of color brush), distance (Distance) to a and the size ( Size ) in a .

Inner Shadow

We must have the following result:

We must have the following result

Download the PSD-source


A. Styles for the text to the effect of stamping (available in formats asl and psd).


Reference to the source | Download

Two. Icons with the effect of stamping in the psd-format . You can use it absolutely free of charge for your projects .

stamping in the psd-format

How to write a good and simple CSS code

There are many different styles of writing code for one do not like the padding, while others use capital letters, others use multiple elements on one line. But they all want to achieve one single goal: to create a good and understandable code . However one sees it in his own way and comes to this in their own ways. Although there are some experiences with the only true methods identified experimentally. Today, without considering my own coding style, I'm still in the way of improvement, let's discuss some tips for writing better code, CSS and understandable . All objections and amendments, as always, made ​​in the comments. See you there ;)

Add comments.

Comments, perhaps the most hated part of writing code. But the good comment? Commenting significantly improves both the perception and understanding of the code and work with the code itself. For comments can be easily and efficiently determine the appropriate blocks CSS, and sometimes to understand why certain established rules. Sometimes it is very difficult to find the right from the point of a solid mass of lines with code. Every time have to spend a lot of time flipping through and viewing hundreds of rows. But if your code is divided into logical blocks and each block is well commented, then find the right line in the block is very fast. Instead of searching through many lines of code, your search is narrowed to the search of a few comments and a few lines of code next to the comment. This greatly simplifies the search and saves a lot of time. But the commentary is not only easier to find. It is well structures and all of the code. Your code will look like an easy and understandable. Also, comments say about the professionalism of the developer who has developed a habit to put the right, and sometimes the key comments.

Use paragraphs.

The division of code into paragraphs is another way to make your code very structured and easy to find the right rules. Even a simple division of the paragraphs of classes and IDs, is much easier to read code and simplifies orientation in it. It would seem very little things, but in fact they are quite capable to improve your code and make it easier to work with them in the development and modification in the future.

Use shorthand code.

Abbreviated code is able to record some of the CSS rules in summary form. I think this is one of the easiest things in the CSS. For example, instead of rules for padding padding-top: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 5px; can be written much shorterpadding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; . A significant difference, both in writing and in perception, is not it?However, despite this opportunity, there are many papers CSS which really is not a short code.

Imagine that you have 350 lines of CSS code, where each class or ID consists of five rules and you are using a short code example for the rule margin . Now try to place a short code, write a detailed code of rules for margin : margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left . It turns out that each class or ID to receive three additional lines. So we add 350 to 500 lines of code.Poluchetsya that we just added the extra 150 lines of unnecessary code, impairing navigation of dokumeta and complicating the work of the rules.

So where you see fit, use a short account of the rules that regulate them, but at the same time increase the speed.

Use one rule per line.

One of the most annoying things that can often be seen in the code of CSS, a record number of rules in one line. I think it is not only ugly, but effective. The effectiveness of the code begins with the organization, as the organization accelerates and facilitates the coding of orientation in the code.All this eventually leads to productivity. Without creating chaos and having some CSS rules on separate lines, you are much easier on yourself. You'll see it in the long run, when you need to make changes to a document with the styles.

Highlight hacks in a separate file.

Always separate the hacks styles for your beloved Internet Explorer from the main document with the styles. Let the CSS in the main document you still have all the rules for your pages to be displayed in normal browsers. Create separate documents for styles with CSS hacks for different versions of Internet Explorer. If you mix khaki with the main document, you will not only complicate the document itself, but doing it is not valid. Because you can not put the code in the same document for different versions of browsers. So simplify the most styles, separate them into individual documents. So you get a well-organized structure.

Let's take a meaningful name CSS classes and ID

Quite often, when time is running out, and to direct the beauty of a particularly busy, the developer creates a class and calls him the first name that comes to mind. Basically, it is clear to him alone cuts, which were later and even he forgets. And the problem is just that. Over time, when it comes to the need to change something in style, we can not understand what makes a particular class. To do this, have to open the HTML and find in it the name of the class and try to understand what he was doing. Instead, if the class has a name with meaning, it is very easy editing of CSS.

Spend a little time, think about and name the class as close as possible to its functional purpose. For example, if you create a class that defines the style for the bar with the widgets in the basement, do not call it a Widget bar , if there is a chance that you still have bars on the widgets. So you will not be able to avoid ambiguity. Pick up the name, just describe the destination of styles.

Remove unused CSS classes and ID immediately.

Often, making changes to the project, we are creating new classes and IDs, replacing their old, and already unnecessary. Sometimes you just do not use what the classes and IDs. But instead of immediately remove unused elements, for some reason we keep them. Gradually, the document begins with the styles contain many unused classes and IDs, thus making it difficult to work with the document. Beginning to happen confusion among used and unused items. Therefore, you should make it a rule immediately remove unwanted elements, if they are not used on the pages. If you feel that some of them you may need in the future, move them into a single archive file. Do not store them in the main document.

Use the alphabetical order.

There is one positive point, which is easier for you to work with the code and further modification.This is the alphabetical order in the arrangement of classes and IDs. And most importantly, that it really works. And even within the rules of the classes and IDs is better to have too, in alphabetical order. So your rules are well organized, and you'll easily find the right rule quickly focusing on the alphabet. You can verify this claim on any list, and if the list is ordered alphabetically, it is much easier to read.

Locate the selectors together

Another simple way to organize your documents with styles, a combination of different selectors, if they have similar definitions or rules of style. For example, if you have a similar style definitions for tags li and ol , then you can combine them together into one definition. So you will save space and achieve a more compact notation, which is always more comfortable.

Divide the complex CSS document to a few simple

If you are working on a very large project and are trying to edit a document with styles, getting tangled in endless lines of CSS, then I would advise you just divide it into smaller and simpler. First try to logically divide your document with styles into several groups. Then divide the document into multiple files and place them in your group.

This will greatly facilitate further change. Instead of looking in one big file, certain rules, you can immediately open the file and work with him already. You will save much time and simplify work with styles.

For example, you can select styles that are responsible for typography in one file, and styles are responsible for elements of the format to another. And now, if you need to change or add typography styles, you can easily and quickly open the file without changing the rest.

However, for small projects splitting the files may complicate the job with style. Only when working with large document CSS becomes difficult, and only need to apply raezdlenie into smaller files.

I hope these tips will be useful for you, and you will be able to write better code and intuitive CSS.What do you think? Are you using the techniques described above to write CSS? What advice do you have? What do you prefer? Please write in the comments!

20 manual for creating graphs and charts with HTML5 and CSS3

Imagine the next thematic compilation of manuals HTML5 and CSS3, which is now devoted exclusively to visual graphs and charts. A visual representation of information, clearly, easily perceived by the viewer in terms of learning and perception. The graphs are different. This may be a form of color histogram bars for the values ​​on the scale of the coordinates. Or a pie chart with fields corresponding to the values ​​of variables. Or is it just a line graph and a spectacular animated effects. In general, the visual diversity of happy choice.

A. Pure Css Data Chart
Pure Css Data Chart

Two. CSS3 Charts
CSS3 Charts

Three. CSS3 Bar Graphs
CSS3 Bar Graphs

4. Pie Charts with CSS3
Pie Charts with CSS3

Five. Snazzy Animated Pie Chart
Snazzy Animated Pie Chart

6. CSS3 Graph Animation
CSS3 Graph Animation

7. CSS bar charts
CSS bar charts

Eight. Creating a graph
Creating a graph

9. Accessible Data Visualization
Accessible Data Visualization

10. Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart
Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart

11. Vertical Bar Graphs
Vertical Bar Graphs

12. Flexible bar graphs
Flexible bar graphs

13. CSS Stacked Bar Graphs
CSS Stacked Bar Graphs

14. CSS Vertical Bar Graphs
CSS Vertical Bar Graphs

15. Pie Charts with CSS3
Pie Charts with CSS3

16. Bar Graph
Bar Graph

17. Javascript Chart Plotting
Javascript Chart Plotting

18. Bar Chart
Bar Chart

19. Accessible bar chart

Accessible bar chart

20. CSS3 Charts example
 CSS3 Charts example
If you enjoyed this article and you have a twitter - share it with others
by clicking the "Retweet" ( ? ). Or just add the article to the social services.

Changes that must be present in the blog

When a very very long time in the main blog,  ProBlogger published an article about the 20 types of pages, of which every blogger should remember . This article has been collected the maximum number of possible pages, one way or another suitable or necessary for the blog - as a standard (About the author, Contact Us, Services) and is very unusual (Targeted Landing, Viral Sneeze, events and media). Each author, in principle, decides for himself what he will use the page - there may be 1-2 or, say, 10. A good structure of the blog implies not only the posts and categories, but also support the important pages. Let's look at some of these details.

Home (starting)

For many visitors to the site starts with "Home" page is the "face" of your blog. Theoretically, "home" page may well be some original and not similar to any other, but for 99% of blogs comes down to the banal set of posts. On this page you can place a list of popular articles, the text widget with information about the blog, some important announcements, articles and more. An excellent example is the famous blog ProBlogger:

Note how Home differs from the internal architecture and how the author uses it effectively. This format can be found often enough for the type of template wordpress magazine.

About the Author (About)

If the home page - the "face" blog, the page "About the Author" (or "About Us") - "Passport" blog. Without it, even the obvious SOM can be like a faceless splog or satellite . The presence of such a page on the contrary suggests that the reader a serious site. If, as you build a brand project, you should be made ​​to create page «About» special attention. Example - About page on Techcrunch :

Here you can write as the author, and about the site itself. If a lot of information or, for example, there are several authors, it makes sense to divide it into 2 pages.


Bloggers should be open to dialogue with readers, so that any visitor should be able to easily reach you. Of course, you can specify the contact information on the page "About me", but it is better to create a separate. There you can, for example, to place at the same time the contact form. Even if you put your data somewhere in the sidebar, it still makes sense to duplicate information on a separate page - most people (myself included) just look for the menu item "Contacts".

Site Map

In this case it is not about the site map is created and designed for search engines (XML Sitemap), but the one that "for the people." Although, in principle, any project (and blogs too), I would advise you to create original, these two maps site at all times. One project will improve indexing by search engines, and the other helps the user to quickly familiarize yourself with the contents of the site. "Site Map" can be considered as part of navigation, as it displays the complete structure. For the wordpress plugin I use Dagon Sitemap Generator design - very simple and convenient.

Privacy Policy / Terms of Use (Privacy Policy / Terms of use)

In the west, where the strictly enforced copyright laws adopted to create the page "Privacy Policy" and "Terms of use» (Privacy Policy / Terms of use). In RuNet detailed section are not mandatory, rather, they do not accepted at all. Nevertheless, no one will interfere with already done at something like that, but if you have an English project, because without them, do not do!

Optional page

In the first half of the article we have listed is probably the most necessary and basic page. Others may be created at will, but if they will not - do not worry. New projects where the author only acquainted with blogging, as a rule, these pages do not have, but no one bothers to add them over time, a little later.

Section subscription. On some blogs there is a separate page for subscribers where they are offered a variety of subscription options (RSS, E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). You can do the same, but I do not think that it is not necessary (although in some cases and useful). By the way, there is often publish information on what RSS.

Advertising. Today there is virtually no blogs are somehow not earn money. A special page with a "commercial offer" for the advertisers (characteristic of the blog, his blog audience and advertising rates) significantly increases the probability of advertising space.

Services. If you provide any services, be sure to make a separate page with a description of services, examples, price list, etc.

Archive. "Archive" can be called a special case of "site map", the only difference is that all the contents of the site located on the page with the archive in chronological order.

Friends. Many bloggers are happy to change or create a link on a separate page blogroll analog or something like folder thematic links. If you like this idea, you can do the same.

If you are a novice blogger - it's time to go create all the basic page. For advanced writers can create some additional pages. I advise you to spend an evening on the establishment, it is not so much time, but the project will look more professional. By the way, and which pages you create?

PS Image processing - the process is not complicated, if you know how to do it, you want to know how to insert photos into the template ? - Then Search on google video tutorial with detailed instructions of the process.

Friday, May 11, 2012

May Download colorful abstract textures and backgrounds

I like to use abstract images to give a basic background texture by using different modes of the layer. Always some kind of combination will give a very interesting effect, which adorn the design. If an abstract texture great, it may well become an independent backgrounds. Although it seems to me that these backgrounds were a bit in the past.However, if you use fiction and fantasy, the use of these distinctive backgrounds of course there is. Because they certainly are beautiful and spectacular. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

01». Dusty Tex Iii
Dusty Tex Iii

02». Textures 63
Textures 63

03». Color Texture
Color Texture

04». Textures 101
Textures 101

05». Textures 61
Textures 61

06». Rainbow Abstract Paint Texture
Rainbow Abstract Paint Texture

07». Textures 42
Textures 42

08». Textures 80
Textures 80

09». Textures 107
Textures 107

10». Textures 99
Textures 99

11». Holgatex Iii
Holgatex Iii

12». Textures 102
Textures 102

13». Textures 105
Textures 105

14». Textures 89
Textures 89

15». Textures 47
Textures 47

16». Rainbow Chaos Background Stock
Rainbow Chaos Background Stock

17». Colourgrunge 5
Colourgrunge 5

18». Textures 87
Textures 87

19». Textures 95
Textures 95

20». Textures 48
Textures 48
If you enjoyed this article and you have a twitter - share it with others